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update_mass_props_unc() updates mass properties uncertainties for a specified target row from specified source rows in a data frame with (at least) these columns: id, sigma_mass, sigma_Cx, sigma_Cy, sigma_Cz, sigma_Ixx, sigma_Iyy, sigma_Izz, sigma_Ixy, sigma_Ixz, sigma_Iyz.


update_mass_props_unc(df, target, sources, override = set_poi_conv_from_target)



A data frame with (at least) these columns: id, mass, Cx, Cy, Cz, Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, Iyz, POIconv, Ipoint, sigma_mass, sigma_Cx, sigma_Cy, sigma_Cz, sigma_Ixx, sigma_Iyy, sigma_Izz, sigma_Ixy, sigma_Ixz, sigma_Iyz.


The id value of the target row.


List of id values of the of the source rows.


An override function, called as override(df, target, value). The default override sets the POI sign convention of a computed aggregate to the POIconv column of the target row in the data frame.


The updated data frame.


leaves <- names(igraph::neighbors(sawe_tree, "Combined", mode = "in"))
update_mass_props_unc(sawe_table, "Combined", leaves)
#>         id  mass       Cx      Cy      Cz     Ixx      Iyy      Izz     Ixy
#> 1   Widget 57.83 121.2000  0.0400 -0.1600 7258.90  8607.02 10453.40  834.44
#> 2 2nd Part 16.80  70.9000 -0.9500  0.4600   65.07  1124.65  1078.82   76.01
#> 3 Combined 74.63 109.8657 -0.1829 -0.0204 7341.73 42739.26 44547.27 1559.36
#>        Ixz      Iyz sigma_mass  sigma_Cx  sigma_Cy   sigma_Cz sigma_Ixx
#> 1 -1198.38 -1066.58    1.24160 0.2764000 0.2085000 0.06690000  386.9233
#> 2   202.83    13.62    1.73080 0.6234000 0.5173000 0.14050000   12.4687
#> 3 -1401.94 -1060.95    2.13008 0.9580009 0.1999846 0.06178391  387.4017
#>   sigma_Iyy sigma_Izz sigma_Ixy sigma_Ixz sigma_Iyz Ipoint POIconv
#> 1  171.4792  414.5547 1440.5402  344.6237  124.6860  FALSE       +
#> 2  109.1324  108.5481   55.8879  212.1241   11.5408  FALSE       +
#> 3 2787.8795 2813.9052 1488.0844  418.6026  125.3175  FALSE       +