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update_mass_props() updates mass properties for a specified target row from specified source rows in a data frame.


update_mass_props(df, target, sources, override = set_poi_conv_from_target)



A data frame with (at least) these columns: id, mass, Cx, Cy, Cz, Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, Iyz, POIconv, Ipoint.


The id value of the target row.


List of id values of the of the source rows.


An override function, called as override(df, target, value). The default override sets the POI sign convention of a computed aggregate to the POIconv column of the target row in the data frame.


The updated data frame.


leaves <- names(igraph::neighbors(test_tree, "A.3", mode = "in"))
update_mass_props(test_table, "A.3", leaves)
#>     id parent mass Cx Cy Cz Ixx  Ixy   Ixz Iyy   Iyz Izz POIconv Ipoint
#> 1  A.1          NA NA NA NA  NA   NA    NA  NA    NA  NA       -  FALSE
#> 2  A.2    A.1   NA NA NA NA  NA   NA    NA  NA    NA  NA       -  FALSE
#> 3  A.3    A.1    8 -1  0  0  32 -0.4  -0.4  24   0.4  24       -  FALSE
#> 4  C.1    A.1    5  0  0  0  80 -4.0 -24.0  80 -24.0  75       -  FALSE
#> 5  P.1    A.2    2  1  1  1   4 -0.1  -0.1   4   0.1   4       -  FALSE
#> 6  P.2    A.2    2  1  1 -1   4 -0.1  -0.1   4   0.1   4       -  FALSE
#> 7  P.3    A.2    2  1 -1  1   4 -0.1  -0.1   4   0.1   4       -  FALSE
#> 8  P.4    A.2    2  1 -1 -1   4 -0.1  -0.1   4   0.1   4       -  FALSE
#> 9  P.5    A.3    2 -1  1  1   4 -0.1  -0.1   4   0.1   4       -  FALSE
#> 10 P.6    A.3    2 -1  1 -1   4 -0.1  -0.1   4   0.1   4       -  FALSE
#> 11 P.7    A.3    2 -1 -1  1   4 -0.1  -0.1   4   0.1   4       -  FALSE
#> 12 P.8    A.3    2 -1 -1 -1   4 -0.1  -0.1   4   0.1   4       -  FALSE