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set_mass_props() sets mass properties for a specified row in a data frame.


set_mass_props(df, id, mp)



A data frame with an id column.


The id value of the desired row.


A list with the following named elements:

  • mass Numeric mass.

  • center_mass Numeric 3-vector center of mass.

  • point Logical indicating point mass. The inertia of point masses is excluded from calculations.

  • poi_conv Enumeration c("+", "-") indicating sign convention for products of inertia.

  • inertia Numeric 3x3 matrix inertia tensor. The signs of the products of inertia are determined by POIconv. For example, Ixy is the \(xy\) element of the inertia tensor if POIconv is "-"; it is the additive inverse of that value if POIconv is "+".


The updated data frame with columns id, mass, Cx, Cy, Cz, Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, Iyz, POIconv, Ipoint.


df <- data.frame(id = c("C.", "C."))
mp <- get_mass_props(mp_table, "C.")
mp$poi_conv = "+"
set_mass_props(df, "C.", mp)
#>                id      mass       Cx        Cy       Cz       Ixx       Iyy
#> 1 C.        NA       NA        NA       NA        NA        NA
#> 2 C. 0.3413137 34.27446 -44.98207 5.211377 0.4986894 0.4528114
#>         Izz        Ixy          Ixz          Iyz POIconv Ipoint
#> 1        NA         NA           NA           NA    <NA>     NA
#> 2 0.4583186 0.04436985 4.096337e-05 4.510443e-06       +  FALSE