Mass Properties and Uncertainties Table from SAWE Paper No. 3360
Mass Properties and Uncertainties Table from SAWE Paper No. 3360
A data frame with columns:
- id
unique key
- mass
- Cx
x component of center of mass
- Cy
y component of center of mass
- Cz
z component of center of mass
- Ixx
Ixx moment of inertia
- Iyy
Iyy moment of inertia
- Izz
Izz moment of inertia
- Ixy
Ixy product of inertia
- Ixz
Ixz product of inertia
- Iyz
Iyz product of inertia
- sigma_mass
mass uncertainty
- sigma_Cx
x component of center of mass uncertainty
- sigma_Cy
y component of center of mass uncertainty
- sigma_Cz
z component of center of mass uncertainty
- sigma_Ixx
Ixx moment of inertia uncertainty
- sigma_Iyy
Iyy moment of inertia uncertainty
- sigma_Izz
Izz moment of inertia uncertainty
- sigma_Ixy
Ixy product of inertia uncertainty
- sigma_Ixz
Ixz product of inertia uncertainty
- sigma_Iyz
Iyz product of inertia uncertainty
- Ipoint
logical indicator to consider item a point mass
- POIconv
sign convention for products of inertia (one of c("+", "-"))
Zimmerman, Robert L., and John H. Nakai. 2005. “Are You Sure? Uncertainty in Mass Properties Engineering.” In 64th Annual International Conference on Mass Properties Engineering, 123–60. Society of Allied Weight Engineers.
Note: the results for combined mass properties and uncertainties in the published example are accurate only within approximately 0.2%.