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update_prop calls user-specified methods to get properties of a source set of elements in a data set, combine those properties, and set the properties of a target element to the combined value. If the source set is empty, the data set is returned unmodified. The default combine operation is addition.

The override argument can be used to selectively override the computed value based on the target element. By default, it simply returns the value computed by the combiner.


  combine = function(l) Reduce("+", l),
  override = function(ds, target, v) v



data set to be updated


key of data set element to be updated


keys of data set elements to be combined


function to set properties for a target element called as set(ds, key, value)


function to get properties for source elements called as get(ds, key)


function to combine properties called as combine(vl)


function to selectively override combined results called as override(ds, key,)


updated data set


update_prop(wbs_table, "1", list("1.1", "1.2"),
  function(d, k, v) {d[d$id == k, "work"] <- v; d},
  function(d, k) d[d$id == k, "work"]
#>     id  pid                    name work budget
#> 1  top <NA> Construction of a House   NA     NA
#> 2    1  top                Internal 45.6     NA
#> 3    2  top              Foundation   NA     NA
#> 4    3  top                External   NA     NA
#> 5  1.1    1              Electrical 11.8  25000
#> 6  1.2    1                Plumbing 33.8  61000
#> 7  2.1    2                Excavate 18.2  37000
#> 8  2.2    2          Steel Erection  5.8   9000
#> 9  3.1    3            Masonry Work 16.2  62000
#> 10 3.2    3       Building Finishes 14.2  21500
update_prop(wbs_table, "1", list("1.1", "1.2"),
  function(d, k, v) {d[d$id == k, c("work", "budget")] <- v; d},
  function(d, k) d[d$id == k, c("work", "budget")],
  function(l) Reduce("+", l)
#>     id  pid                    name work budget
#> 1  top <NA> Construction of a House   NA     NA
#> 2    1  top                Internal 45.6  86000
#> 3    2  top              Foundation   NA     NA
#> 4    3  top                External   NA     NA
#> 5  1.1    1              Electrical 11.8  25000
#> 6  1.2    1                Plumbing 33.8  61000
#> 7  2.1    2                Excavate 18.2  37000
#> 8  2.2    2          Steel Erection  5.8   9000
#> 9  3.1    3            Masonry Work 16.2  62000
#> 10 3.2    3       Building Finishes 14.2  21500